Tuesday, July 15, 2008

rainy season passtime

you would think that after nine months without rain all i would want to do would be to stand in the rain and sing praises. well, i did that. it turns out that it doesn't take much time before you get cold and take shelter. so what do you do on rainy days when you have alot of energy? jumping self-portaits of course! this is one of many that i took one rainy day with my new camera that i just recieved (in one piece)via the surprisingly reliable malian postal service. warning: jumping photos are addictive. just ask any volunteer in the mopti region. they may deny it, but i suspect that an investigation of their pictures would reveal the damning evidence: a suspended pair of feet, an awkward landing, a mass of mid flight hair or a deer-caught-in-the-headlights-late-jump stare.


Matt said...

Chris - I love the jumping picture! I'm going to try it out myself. Great to read your beautiful writing, too.

cbentley said...

Wow, the wild jumping Bentley of Mali! It's a great picture, and I love thinking about you doing this time and time again. It looks like your hair is long, judging by the shadow behind you on the wall. I love the idea of jumping self-portraits. Maybe I will try it! But only with a bra on. Love, MeMa